So I noticed a piece of software in my start.
Not deleted or removed, just hidden from view. What Is Logitech Download Assistant Logitech Download Assistant Startup Remove. If you don't want to see it at all (hide) in Task Manager>Startup, get a copy of Autoruns from Sysinternals (a Microsoft co.), and uncheck the entry. It's a module called when there is an update to the Hardware related drivers/app.īottom line, to 'remove' it completely, you would need to uninstall all related Logitech Software for your Logitech Hardware. It does not run all the time, in fact it does run at all.
dll in turn runs LogiLDA.dll from the same folder, System32. You will see that it can be disabled, but the full path is to a System dll, Rundll32.dll in the System Folder System32. Look at the path in the Task Manager>Startup. If you have Logitech hardware, and also have Logitech Set point or Logitech Options or Logitech Unifying Software installed, the DL Assistant comes with it. It is not a program, but an application extension. How to remove Logitech Download does not exist in Programs and Features.